Sunday, August 06, 2006

landauktion las vegas

man beachte den rückgang von 2005 auf 2006


Only nine of 61 parcels on the block were sold, a total of 27.5 acres out of 488 acres, for slightly more than $11 million. (sagenhafte 5% der angebotenen fläche)

It was the smallest sale since the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998 ordered the release of 27,000 acres of federal land. Some 2,800 acres sold for $754.5 million at the last auction. (nur 1% der fläche von 2005 ist 2006 gekauft worden)!!!!!!!!!!!!

At one point early in the auction, after 10 consecutive parcels received no bids, someone in the audience shouted, "Too expensive."

Fritchley purchased 2.5 acres privately a couple years ago for $240,000 and said he's "feeling pretty good" about seeing all the 2.5-acre parcels going for $875,000 to $1 million at the auction.

denke die zahlen sprechen für sich. sieht so aus als wenn in vegas der markt regelrecht implodiert ist.



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