Wednesday, August 09, 2006


irland ist neben spanien und england sicher ein hauptkandidat für die immobilienblase schlechthin in europa. irland und spanien haben das pech das die ezb die zinsen für den gesamten euroraum setzt und es so der zentralbank schwerer fällt den boom einzudämmen bevor es zu spät ist.

die englische notenbank hat hoffentlich zeitig gegengesteuert um das schlimmste zu verhindern.
aktuell zinssatz in gb 4,75 und seit geraumer zeit immerhin 4%. zu der zeit hatte die ezb wg. der situation in zentraleuropa die schleusen mit 2% noch weit weit offen.

IMF: House prices may crash in Ireland

IMF: House prices may crash in IrelandAugust 9, 2006 (IMF Report)The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that Ireland's personal debt levels and the spiralling cost of houses threaten to undermine future prosperity.

The IMF said the property market faces an "abrupt" downturn, and warned that the loss of competitiveness is undermining future trading prospects.

"Bank credit to property-related sectors has grown rapidly and now accounts for more than half of total bank lending. Household debt as a share of household disposable income rose to about 130% in 2005, among the highest in Europe," it said in a report.

"Growth has become increasingly unbalanced in recent years, with heavy reliance on building investment, sharp increases in house prices, and rapid credit growth, especially to property-related sectors."

from itulip
AntiSpin: Could the IMF warning on Ireland's housing bubble apply to the US? Here in the US, housing related loans also represent more than half of total bank lending. In 2005, home mortgage debt outstanding amounted to $9.1 trillion. While this represents a hefty 75% of the $11.7 trillion in total depository bank assets in the US, it represents less than 25% of the $40 trillion of total credit market asset holdings.



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