Monday, July 24, 2006


habe unten einige passagen ausgesucht.

ihr müßt aber unbedingt auf den link klicken und euch die interactive grafik über die entwicklung der neg arms loans (negative tilgung ansehen). guckt euch den unterscheid zwischen den jahren 2002 und 2006 an.

ist bisher das beste was ich gesehen habe!

hier einige auszüge:

Even as mortgage applications over all are falling because of slowing home sales and rising rates, adjustable-rate mortgages made up about 30 percent of all loans in May, down only slightly from 34.2 percent in May 2005, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association of America. In the San Francisco Bay area, adjustable mortgages of the kind Mr. Perry borrowed make up 49 percent of all refinance loans so far this year, according to Loan Performance.

Borrowers no longer “ask me what is the quickest way I can pay off my mortgage,” said Jack Williams, the president of the California Association of Mortgage Brokers and a broker in Orange County. “I haven’t heard people say that for 15 years.”

California, which has 14 percent of the country’s housing stock, leads the nation with 21 percent of homes purchased with adjustable-rate mortgages, and 44 percent of California borrowers have refinanced with option-A.R.M. loans so far this year, according to Loan Performance. Other markets where those loans are popular include Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

About 6.28 percent of all outstanding subprime, adjustable mortgages were in foreclosure or delinquent for more than three months during the first three months of this year, up from 5.23 percent in the same period a year ago, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.

While those numbers are still lower than they were at the start of the decade, economists say there is reason for concern. An analysis by Fannie Mae, the mortgage buyer, of subprime adjustable loans issued from March 2003 to March 2004 that have adjusted showed that 16 percent of subprime borrowers have defaulted or are late in making monthly payments; another 14 percent have not yet refinanced. About 70 percent have refinanced.

nicht vergessen die grafik anzugucken. beeindruckend ist noch untertrieben.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

4:48 PM  

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