Saturday, September 16, 2006

wer bietet mehr / ltv 125% uk buuble world tour

wer bieter mehr?

diese frage ist wohl berechtigt wenn man sich die kreditsummen im verhältnis zum kaufpreis/schätzwert (ltv) ansieht die immer höhere werte erreichen.

irgendetwas ist faul im staate wenn hier über werte zu 100% oder darüber angeboten werden. in den usa ist diese art der kreditvergabe übigens inziwschen gang und gäbe.

vergleicht das mal mit den bedingungen in deutschland. in meiner aktiven zeit wraen finanzierungen zu 80% des konservativ gerechneten beleihungswertes das außerste der gefühle.

so dreht sich die spirale mit immer neuen kreditformen weiter anstelle das es zur gesundesten lösung kommt, nämlich das die preise ganz einfach fallen müssen. dieser prozeß wird durch diese finanzinnovationen immer (siehe auch 40 jahrendarelehen generationendarlehen die vererbt werden, wohngemeinschaften zum erwerb einer wohnung etc.) immer wieder um ein paar quartale verschoben. siehe:

dank an

The rise of the more-gages


First-time buyers hoping to get ahead this year could be forgiven for feeling like runners in a race where the finishing line keeps moving.

The mortgage industry has responded to the difficulties facing first-timer buyers with 100% or more mortgages, the latest lender being Coventry Building Society, which is offering borrowers 125% of the value of their home.

The MOREgage product, made up of a 95% mortgage topped up with a personal loan, rivals a similar deal from Northern Rock also targeting first-time buyers

According to the latest government figures, from the Department for Communities and Local Government, the cost of the average home is 6% more expensive than a year ago at £194,454. (288.000€, 366.000$).

Add on stamp duty, solicitor's fees, surveys and other expenses and costs soar further, but should those struggling to scrape together go for a loan worth more than their home?

only first-time buyers with an excellent credit history qualify. This is a niche product and will not be appropriate for all.

'In addition, getting a 125% mortgage comes with health warnings. A mortgage is a legal commitment, with the only 'get out' clause in times of hardship being to sell the house.'

The advantage of a 100%-plus mortgage is a boost onto the property ladder, but borrowers will end up paying higher interest rates than a standard mortgage.

Meanwhile, unless prices rise substantially, or they get the personal loan paid off, they could struggle to remortage.

A first-time buyer taking out the three-year fixed 125% deal on a £130,000 home over 25 years would pay £861 per month for their home. If they opted for Portman Building Society's 100% first-time buyer product at 5.69% they would pay £813 per month and £499 less in fees.

Research released by Citizens Advice has shown almost 800,000 homeowners missed at least one mortgage repayment in the past year

The mortgage industry says that it is doing its bit to try and both help and protect first-time buyers, who need to be aware that going beyond their means is a mistake (sicher!sure)



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