Wednesday, August 16, 2006

hypothekenanträge usa

man beachte das die arms jetzt immerhin auf unter 30% gesunken sind. schon passend nachdem zu historisch niedrigen zinsen in den jahren zuvor deutlich höher gelegen hat. in den hotspots hat der anteil z.b. 2005 über 70% betragen. der sinnenswandel dürfte zu spät kommen. beachtet bitte auch die fette überschrift und dann der hammer mit den einbrüchen im mittelteil.

Mortgage applications rise 1.4%

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The number of mortgage applications rose for a second straight week, further rebounding from a four-year low set two weeks ago, data released Wednesday by the Mortgage Bankers Association show.

The increased volume of applications came in the face of higher rates of interest charged on mortgages.

Applications for the latest week increased 1.4% on a seasonally adjusted, week-to-week basis, but they're down 25.6% from a year earlier -- a reflection of softening conditions in the nation's real-estate market.

Loans for purchases decreased 0.8% from the prior week, while refinancings rose 4.6%. Loans to refinance existing mortgages accounted for 39.6% of total applications last week, up from 38% the week earlier.

Adjustable-rate mortgage applications fell to 27.2% of total loans, representing the lowest share since February 2004.

The average rate for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rose to 6.54% from 6.45%, while the average for a 15-year fixed, a popular refinancing option, rose to 6.15% from 6.10%. The rate on a one-year ARM averaged 5.97%, up from 5.96%

man muß diese zahlen nochmal wirken lassen. fast 40% aller hypothekendarlehen die in den usa vergeben worden isnd dienten der refinanzierung!!!!!. davon muß nach der zinsentwicklung fast alles in nen höheren zinssatz refinanziert werden. das argument was fürher sinn machte das man ja mit ner refinanzierung niedrige zinssätze bekommt zieht nciht mehr. schade das hier nicht ausgewiesen wird wie hoch der anteil der refinanzierungen ist wo zusätzlich kohle aus der hütte gezogen worden ist.

bei freddie mac hat der anteil im q1 2006 88%!!!!! ausgemacht. ist allso noch luft nach oben......
update: dank ghet an getstucco und ben
Option ARMs Remain Popular In Spite of Risks
by Ruth Simon

Despite concerns from regulators, lenders continued to issue large numbers of so-called option ARMs during the first five months of the year, new data show.
Many borrowers have been attracted to these loans because of their low introductory rates, which have run as little as 1%. But borrowers who elect to make the minimum payment can be hit with a rising loan balance. They can also face “payment shock” down the road, when their monthly pament resets. Roughly 75% of borrowers with option ARMs are currently electing to make the minimum payment, according to UBS AG.(option arm=neg arm=negative tilgung)

Option ARMs accounted for 12.3% of mortgage originations through May, up from 8.4% in all of 2005, according to a new study by LoanPerformance, a unit of First American Corp. The study looked at loans sold to investors that buy mortgage-backed securities. (The data exclude loans sold to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac…).

The loans’ popularity comes as rising interest rates are making them less attractive.…“It’s hard to know why anybody would want [an option ARM] in the current rate environment,” says Keith Gumbinger, a mortgage analyst with HSH Associates. Yet borrowers seeking to lower their monthly payments have few other choices. Given the narrow difference between short- and long-term interest rates, Mr. Gumbinger says, “there are very few products that … provide payment relief.”

There already are signs that some borrowers who took out option ARMs are running into trouble. Foreclosure rates fro option ARMs “are rising fast,” although they are coming off very low levels, according to a report issued last month by Credit Suisse Group. Option ARMs are going into foreclosure an average of 10 months after the loan is made, earlier than for other types of loans, and that is “a cause of concern,” the report said
es scheint so als wenn wohl die anzhal der arms insgesamt nicht weiter stiegt dafür aber die qualität der arms sich rapide richtung der wahnwitzigen negarm verschiebt.


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