Fed Cartoon Special :-)
After Bernanke has "pulled a Greenspan" i think it is time for some Fed cartoons. And often enough there is a little bit of truth in there..... ;-)
If you want something rational about the Fed i suggest to read The Fed: Magical Fairies and Pixie Dust from Hussman or just watch this Chart from Minyanville.
On top of this the post Dollar = Confetti? comes to mind..... Please check the comments for other cartoons, quotes and links.
Nachdem Bernanke gestern nun den "Greenspan gemacht" hat kann es nicht schaden eine Kollektion in Sachen Fed Cartoons auszugraben. Und oft genug verbirgt sich ja in diesen Bildern zumindest ein Fünkchen Wahrheit.... ;-)
Wer es etwas rationeller liebt dem lege ich The Fed: Magical Fairies and Pixie Dust von Hussman bzw. diesen Chart von Minyanville ans Herz.
Keine Ahnung warum mir spontan zu dem Thema noch das Posting Dollar = Confetti? einfällt......... Für weitere Cartoons, Zitate und Links bitte in den Kommentaren stöbern

If you want something rational about the Fed i suggest to read The Fed: Magical Fairies and Pixie Dust from Hussman or just watch this Chart from Minyanville.
On top of this the post Dollar = Confetti? comes to mind..... Please check the comments for other cartoons, quotes and links.
Nachdem Bernanke gestern nun den "Greenspan gemacht" hat kann es nicht schaden eine Kollektion in Sachen Fed Cartoons auszugraben. Und oft genug verbirgt sich ja in diesen Bildern zumindest ein Fünkchen Wahrheit.... ;-)
Wer es etwas rationeller liebt dem lege ich The Fed: Magical Fairies and Pixie Dust von Hussman bzw. diesen Chart von Minyanville ans Herz.
Keine Ahnung warum mir spontan zu dem Thema noch das Posting Dollar = Confetti? einfällt......... Für weitere Cartoons, Zitate und Links bitte in den Kommentaren stöbern

Thanks to Orangequant
Thanks to Wall Street Follies

Thanks to Cox & Forkum
The following one has nothing direct to do with the Fed but......
Der nachfolgende Cartoon hat zwar nichts direkt mit der Fed zu tun, aber......
Labels: :-(, :-), bernanke, fed, greenspan, us recession, us$, us$ index, us$ vs ....
Another cartoon
Hat tip to
Cartoon "Sliding $"
"This could undermine the Fed’s credibility, and it could stoke the fires of inflation which it was still fighting ardently only last month."
I would eliminate "could"......
Barry Ritholtz
The Fed now has a third problem to deal with: They have become Wall Street's bitch. They may find that's a difficult condition to wriggle out from . . .
Nacked Capitalism "Bernanke's Bind
Righting The Economic Ship? / Mish
Well the Fed made its choice and anyone who thought the Fed cared about the U.S. dollar found out otherwise. The U.S. dollar fell to a record low against the Euro, gold is breaking out to a 27 year high and oil is at another new high as well, up 33% or so on the year.
Infectious Greed / Paul Kedrosky
via Naked Capitalism
"Lehman Brothers probably could have reported that it was shutting down operations and moving to Kazakhstan and the Fed move would have still inspired a rally."
Fed Cuts Rates to Address Greater of Two Evils: Caroline Baum
Bernanke said it best in that same speech.
``Developments in financial markets can have broad economic effects felt by many outside the markets, and the Federal Reserve must take those effects into account when determining policy,'' he said.
I like to put it another way, in what I call a corollary of the doctrine of too big to fail. If you're going to screw up, make sure you screw up big, so that it creates systemic risk -- the scariest word in a central banker's vocabulary -- and engenders a policy response.
Oops. Sorry, I forgot to put the HTML in there. Great blog!
Hello. I like your blog. I posted some Fed humor on Home Finance Freedom, and I post bubble/bailout news on Not One Cent.
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