Probably the ugliest & thorniest rose in the entire universe.....A good dose of humor is probably the only way to withstand the "Mother Of All Bailouts"...... I assume the next parody has something to do with a sinkhole... :-) More serious input ( with the exception of the MUST READ link at the end of this posting.... ) via Yves from Naked Capitalism Freddie, Fannie Notable Comments (Mainly Not Pretty) .
Anlässlich zur "Mutter aller Bailouts".... Ist wohl die dornigste Rose auf diesem Planeten...... :-) Mehr ernsthafte Analysen ( mit der Ausnahme weiter unten in diesem Posting... ) via Yves von Naked Capitalism Freddie, Fannie Notable Comments (Mainly Not Pretty)
Dank an Zeitenwende & Versusplus
I have to echo what Yves has to say / Kann hier Yves nur zustimmen.....
Update: Take A Load On Fannie

Anlässlich zur "Mutter aller Bailouts".... Ist wohl die dornigste Rose auf diesem Planeten...... :-) Mehr ernsthafte Analysen ( mit der Ausnahme weiter unten in diesem Posting... ) via Yves von Naked Capitalism Freddie, Fannie Notable Comments (Mainly Not Pretty)
Dank an Zeitenwende & Versusplus
I have to echo what Yves has to say / Kann hier Yves nur zustimmen.....
You also must read Paulson'sStatement on Freddie and Fannie with a Nearly Simultaneous Translation at Jesse's Cafe Americain. Hysterical and on target.
Update: Take A Load On Fannie
Labels: :-), bailout, moral hazard, Phony Mae and Fraudie Mac
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