Thursday, August 30, 2007

Times are tough.....

Hat tip to my fellow blogger from the superb New York City Housing Bubble and the cartoonist Bob Gorrell

But there is hope if you can stand to listen what Lawrence Yun from the NAR has to say about the future of the housing market.....

Twist from the excellent Housing Doom was so polite to put this warning in front of her post

WARNING: Do not attempt to read if you suffer from vertigo

Changed My Mind- Can We Have Lereah Back?

I think that not even Charly Brown and all his friends can safe Snoopy & co......

Wenn man den Prognosen von Lawrence Yun dem Cheflobbyisten der Immobilienmakler glauben schenken möchte besteht noch Hoffnung für Snoopy & co....

Twist von Housing Doom war so freundlich die Leser zu warnen das diese Aussagen wirkich nur für Hartgesottene oder Leute mit viel Humor zu ertragen sind.

Changed My Mind- Can We Have Lereah Back?

Ich denke das nicht einmal Charly Brown samt all seiner Freunde Snoopy & co retten kann.....

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