Quotes Edward Hugh, John Hussman & Andy Xie
Verabscheide mich nach diesen Posting wieder in die angekündigte "Auszeit".... Im Zusammenhang mit der bevorstehenden "QE Version 2.0, 3.0 usw...." sowie der "fast vergessenen" € Krise erscheinen mir die kompletten Links besonders lesenwert....

Spain’s debt for 2010 according to the EDP is expected to reach around 77% of GDP (EU Commission spring forecast), and while we feel it is still possible to agree with the IMF when they say that that “Spain’s (public) debt ratio is low compared with many other countries in Europe”, it is only possible to do so if we do not forget that if we add in the 6% that is held by the Social Security Fund, the 7% that has built up in Accounts Payable and the 5% owed by Spains Public Corporations, we end up with a total of something like 95% debt to GDP, which is, of course, above the average. And this is not to even begin to count all those impending pension liabilities.John Hussman
Andy XieMy impression is that Ben Bernanke has little sense of the damage he is about to provoke. A central banker who talks about throwing money from helicopters is not only arrogant but foolish.
Nearly a century ago, the great economist Ludwig von Mises observed that massive central bank easing is invariably a form of cowardice that attempts to avoid the need to restructure debt or correct fiscal deficits, avoiding wiser but more difficult choices by instead destroying the value of the currency.
Lots of damage has already been done...... Regarding "healthy" banking systems China has nothing to worry about... ;-)When the Fed or the European Central Bank tries to stimulate, they are actually stimulating the global economy as a whole. Water, no matter where it comes from, flows downwards. Stimulus, similarly, flows to where costs are low and banking systems are healthy.
If you believe this logic, the actions of the Fed and the ECB fuel inflation and asset bubbles in emerging economies rather than stimulate growth at home.
Denke das wir bereits heute mehr als genügend Auswirkungen dieser Erkenntnis sehen können.....Immerhin hat China in Sachen "gesunden" Bankensystem nichts zu befürchten.... ;-)
Labels: .... of the day, "quantitive easing", Andy Xie, Edward Hugh, hussman, Ludwig von Mises, sovereign debt, spain
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