Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lennar Incentives Up To $ 43.700 or 77% yoy / Minyanville

From yesterdays Lennar conference call (via Minyanville). Keep this number in mind when you read how stable prices still are......The incentives masking how prices are already slumping....

Das ist aus dem gestrigen Telefonkonferenz von Lennar (via Minyanville). Ruft Euch diese Daten ins Gedächnis zurück wenn es mal wider heist das die Preise immer noch relativ stabil sind.....Die Vergünstigungen verschleiern den wahren Verfall der Märkte nicht unerheblich.....

And what about those sales incentives?

The company reported higher sales incentives offered to homebuyers of 9.6% in the first quarter of 2007, compared to 4.9% in 2006.
In this quarter the company reported sales incentives surged to $43,700 per home delivered, compared to "just" $24,700 per home delivered a year ago.
>Here is another good insight on builder incentives via Housing Doom
>Unter dem link oben gibt es noch mehr Einblicke zu den Incentives von Housing Doom
Disclosure: short several builder (including Lennar)

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